Fellowship Opportunities for Postdocs

The Centers of Research Excellence in Science and Technology (CREST)


Major requirement(s): U.S. citizen or U.S. permanent resident.

Mathematical and Physical Sciences Ascending Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (MPS-Ascend)


Major requirement(s): U.S. citizen or U.S. permanent resident. Identify as an individual from a background that has been historically excluded and/or currently underrepresented in mathematical and physical sciences fields in the U.S.

American Association of University Women International Fellowship


Major requirement(s): U.S. citizen or U.S. permanent resident. Identify as a woman in STEM. Must be used for the final year of writing the dissertation.

American Association of University Women American Fellowships


Major Requirement(s): Non-U.S. citizen. Identify as a woman in STEM. Applicants can apply for the fellowship for any year of their program but must be conducting a full year of study or research. Intend to return to their home country to pursue a professional career upon completion of their studies.

Arnold O. Beckman Postdoctoral Fellowship


Major requirement(s): U.S. citizen or U.S. permanent resident.

L’Oréal USA For Women in Science


Major requirement(s): U.S. citizen or U.S. permanent resident. Identify as a woman in STEM.